Aquam et Oleum

The latest and biggest move happening right now at Shortell Design is the start to creating a relaxing destination getaway from the daily stresses that leave people needing an escape. Aquam et Oleum (Water & Oil) is Shortell Design's latest project in the Extremadura region of Spain for travelers to stop and take a deep breath amongst the 16th century architecture, natural spring water and an olive orchard of your dreams.


Extremadura de espana

Joseph Shortell has partnered with a Spanish team in the whimsical region of Extremadura in Espana, also referred to as Sierra de Gata, where he is making the blueprints to inspire travelers to stop at this magical place that feels straight out of a fairytale. 


Retreat to relax

The location's goal is to get guests out of their daily, average routines and replenish their creativity, body and soul with calming views and heart warming character of the 16th century architecture embedded in  mountainous greenery. 


culture & Arts

"Aquam et Oleum" has a self sustaining olive oil mill and natural spring water that runs through the soon-to-be retreat, and it isn't hard to venture into the nearest town built amongst humongous boulders on the mountainside. Immerse yourself in the culture and the historical beauty to be found around every corner.